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Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.


Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.


Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Sea Turtle.jpg

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Membership English

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.


Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.


Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Sea Turtle.jpg

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.


Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will also be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.


Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with your account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Become a full member

With at least € 24 / year you will be informed about our projects at least twice a year in a newsletter and invited to the annual general meeting.

Become a supporting member

With at least € 240 / year you will additionally be invited to a Fiji evening once a year.

Once your membership application has been approved, you will receive a welcome email with our account details.

Membership begins after payment of the membership fee.

Application for membership
Application for membership

Ich habe die aktuell gültigen Statuten zur Kenntnis genommen und verpflichte mich diese einzuhalten.

I have taken note of the currently valid statutes and undertake to comply with them.

Ich stimme zu, dass die in diesem Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft freiwillig bekanntgegeben Daten gespeichert und verarbeitet werden. Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen gelesen und verstanden. Dort sind auch das Recht auf Auskunft, das Recht auf Löschung und das Widerspruchsrecht nach der Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) näher ausgeführt.

Die Mitgliederdaten werden zum Zweck der Mitgliederverwaltung digital verarbeitet, d.h. Einhebung der Mitgliedsbeiträge, Zusendung der Mitgliederinformationen, Einladungen zur Jahreshauptversammlung oder andere Informationen erfolgen auf diesem Weg.

agree and give my authorization for the processing of the data voluntarily provided in this membership application, and I have read and understood the data protection regulations. I understand and accept the rights in relation to deletion of data and the right to object according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  

Members’ data is processed digitally for the purpose of member administration, i.e. the collection of membership fees, circulation of  information about the association, invitations to the annual general meeting or other information.  

Ich bestätige die Richtigkeit der von mir in dieser Beitrittserklärung bekanntgegebenen Daten.

I confirm the accuracy of the data I have provided in this declaration of membership.

Ich möchte einen Newsletter per Mail erhalten. Eine Kündigung des Newsletters ist jederzeit möglich.

I hereby prescribe for a newsletter by e-mail. I can cancel the newsletter at any time.

Many Thanks! Thank you!

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